The obesity rate among children is at an all time high. Exercise and weight training can also benefit children. They will learn self- discipline, feel good about their bodies, and enhance their self-esteem. They will also experience the benefit of one-on-one training away from video games and other stagnant technology. So why not start your child off on the right track by setting an example for a new beginning and a better tomorrow?... Today!
For the full-figured woman: The Forum Private Fitness Club will design a fitness program that emphasizes techniques of shaping, trimming, sculpting, and firming. We believe “Everyone does not have to be thin to be beautiful. This emanates from media propaganda.” Beauty, health, and strength are attainable goals for women of all sizes! Our program has helped many women become more self confident and happy with their beauty!

The Forum Private Fitness Club
The Forum Private Fitness Club is truly unique in several respects:
- We have over 42 years experience in the fields of health and fitness
- We use a balanced, wholistic approach to health encompassing mind, body, and spirit
- We focus on “your” needs creating a personalized fitness and health program just for YOU!
- Perhaps most importantly, you have the COMPLETE PRIVACY of a gym all to yourself! However if you prefer the friendly competitive aspect of a group workout, we can accommodate that too!
- Our training and workouts are TRANSFORMATIVE!
In order to get in shape we must refrain from doing some of the things that got us out of shape in the first place. We must practice “health prevention!” As we take personal responsibility for our health, it allows us to live longer, be healthier, and reduce our medical costs, while improving our mental and spiritual state!
Remember, your body will change whether or not you choose to change it, but you have the choice to choose the direction.
Come and learn what is true in order to do what is right to and for your body.
Our bodies are the true House of God
The Forum Private Fitness Club’s program consists of:
- Stretching for flexibility
- Weight training for building bone mass and creating muscle tone
- Cardio for burning fat and developing a stronger heart
- Reducing cholesterol
- Learning about The Art of Healthy Eating
- Losing body fat through “LIVE” as opposed to “DIET”.
It is our belief that exclusive personal attention to clients is crucial in helping you attain and sustain your goals! We believe in “eating to live” as opposed to “living to eat.” “Fitness is a journey not a destination!”

Transform your Body, Relax your Mind, Empower your Spirit
You’ve made the most important decision of your life. Whether you want to run a mile, or have loftier goals, such as running a marathon or competing as a bodybuilder, The Forum Private Fitness Club can design a fitness program that will keep you comfortable in your own skin and help you maintain a stress-free and active lifestyle. No matter your age, body-type, or level of fitness, you will find everything you need at The Forum Private Fitness Club.
Have you hit a plateau in your exercise program? Are you bored with your current fitness routine? Is it time to make some lifestyle changes? Let’s change that today. Whether you’ve taken a brief hiatus from the gym and are trying to get back in gear, have never stepped foot inside a gym, or recently moved to Marina del Rey and are looking to join a new gym, we’re sure you’ll find success at here. When you join The Forum Private Fitness Club, you will benefit from a team of dedicated trainers, instructors, and staff members who will be by your side every step of the way to guide you to your goals.